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Gemini Season Forecast | Here’s What To Expect for Your Rising Sign

On Sunday May 21st the sun enters, airy, curious Gemini until June 21st when summer solstice begins in the northern hemisphere.

It's a beautiful for time for Gemini season, we are officially out of the post shadow of mercury retrograde, Gemini's ruling planet and while there is strong energy coming through due to the grand cross happening between Pluto, Jupiter and the Nodes we can smile a little when the sun enters Gemini and brings with it a little humor and fun.

Check below to see what your rising sign has in store for you this season.

If you don't have or know your rising you can get it for free here, all you need is your time of birth, place and date.

♈️ Aries Rising

Gemini season is asking you to get in touch with your pain and sorrow. Denying that they exist leads to loss, hostility, and disease. Though life may seems meaningless, recovery can occur and is possible.

You may encounter pain and sorrow. Your defenses may be weekend.

Peace begins when expectations and.

Give yourself the love you have been giving others and your sorrow will be conquered.

♉️ Taurus Rising

Gemini season is asking you to be aware of the seduction of the immediate world. You may be tempted and tested by lust, trickery and greed. Sometimes you must wear the mask and play the game, especially in negotiations, business situations, and politics. Never resort to hurtful, unethical, or illegal means. Immediate gratification without sustainability, brings only fleeting pleasure.

You’re being asked to connect with sustainability versus fleeting pleasure.

♊️ Gemini Rising

Gemini season is asking you to connect with discipline.

The strength of your will, character and body may soon be tested. Gather and preserve your resources now so you may confidently defend your position later.

Stay faithful to your purpose.

You’re being gifted this season so you can evaluate the wisdom that discipline brings. Postponing short term pleasures for long-term goals is the gift being presented.

♋️ Cancer Rising

This Gemini season is gifting you the opportunity to connect with victory and what it means and requires.

Victory is approaching.

Have faith that you will succeed.

The spotlight is shining upon you. Accept this time of recognition and growth as you have triumph through a difficult time.

Things will work out favorably if you preserve in a time of crisis. Remember to use this victory to establish a firm foundation on which to build future successes.

♌️ Leo Rising

Gemini season is bringing with it a time to reevaluate.

If you are bored, or dissatisfied with the status quo, avoid distractions, an exam in your heart to gain clarity.

You’re being gifted this time of reevaluation, avoid crying over spilled milk.

Allow the spilled milk to be the medicine that allows you to propel forward.

The medicine is connecting with your true values, what’s beneath the conditioned onion layer.

♍️ Virgo Rising

Gemini season is inviting you to get to know what fulfillment really is on a sole level. A wish may be granted but in its own time and then its own unexpected way.

When calling upon some thing, ensure that this is coming from a soul level and not the ego. You will see your wish granted, in a happy way. Be alert to it happening in an unexpected way.

Satisfaction is achieved.

♎️ Libra Rising

Gemini season is bringing with it the medicine to cope with frustration. It’s hard work has not paid off as you planned, remember that expectations are almost always unreasonable. There are no guarantees. Be grateful and focus on the present moment.

The invitation is to cope with feelings of frustration, impotence and ingratitude.

Fear of failing, or indulging, in worry about future results will not determine a good outcome. You must keep a strong desire to achieve, even in the face of defeat.

Remember failure doesn’t exist.

♏️ Scorpio Rising

Gemini season is offering you the opportunity to make a sincere effort in understanding the emotional aspects of certain situations. It is presenting you with the space to be the ruler of your emotions by understanding them and not repressing them.

When we bury strong feelings under a false surface of calm, danger is on the other side.

The medicine is in understanding why strong feelings have surfaced and finding new sustainable ways to cope with them.

♐️ Sagittarius Rising

Gemini season is presenting you with a strong sense of independence and freedom.

An unexpected source may add to your life. You’re being taught to be self-reliant, independent and free.

Learn about your body, and how mother earth provides all that is needed for you.

Remember, you have exactly what you need at this moment in life. If it is not here yet, that means you’re not ready to hold it.

♑️ Capricorn Rising

Gemini season is offering you the opportunity to do the work that is satisfying to you. Think of your work like tending to your garden. You may need help, it may be beneficial to share your work with a partner just remember to make sure they are as conscious as you are.

Though obstacles may stand in the way, look forward to your distant goal. Satisfaction will be the reward of consistent effort. This is the time to roll up your sleeves and realize the rewards of work done for its own sake.

♒️ Aquarius Rising

Gemini season is asking you to trust that you are a spirit born into flesh to enjoy life and grow in experience. Take a chance and see what happens. Be as open as a child. Risk seeming a bit foolish, naïve or optimistic.

Connecting with a sense of humor is vital during this season.

♓️ Pisces Rising

Gemini season is asking you to realize that fears, if not confronted and understood, can lead to obsession, compulsion, paranoia, or physical illness.

We all have a dark side that must be acknowledged.

Avoid being a murderer.

Shadow work.

In darkness, our demons may seem larger than ever. The monsters must be met, identified and fought to free yourself.

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