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February Astrological Transits 2023


Ceres Retrogrades into Libra ♎️

Ceres known as earth mother is retrograding into Harmony seeking Libra.

Ceres ask us to look at where we need to give and receive nurturing.

What type of experiences will foster feelings of self love, self acceptance and/ or self


Aries Rising

This retrograde is inviting you to take inventory of the personal challenges & obstacles you have faced, & look at them through the eyes of pure honesty. What have you learned from each of these?

Did you become bitter or better because of it? If you have become bitter because of something, you can, now, in this moment, choose to recommit to become better because of it. You can.

Taurus Rising

You are being invited during this retrograde to hold a more positive image about yourself, what you do, and who you are. You are a divine being of light and love. Remember that, and most of all be that.

Gemini Rising

The invitation is for you to look at all your gifts, talents, hobbies, and all that you love to do. Commit to choosing one and creatively, expand on it to become a positive contributing factor for you and others. See it along the lines of a part-time, self-employment, opportunities for volunteering, or just to bring a little more joy into your life.

Cancer Rising

You are being inspired to break through your fear of success. See your success as a beautiful sphere with a hard shell around it. Turn it over to spirit. Make the conscious choice that the shell be melted off and your dream is free to now flourish in the energy of divine love.

Leo Rising

The invitation during this retrograde is to take it easy and chill out. You may be coming down hard on yourself, or being hard and someone close to you. Take a deep breath, turned the agitation over to the divine and allow things to unfold in divine timing.

Virgo Rising

Virgo vowed to yourself to do your part as a peaceful, loving being. Choose to take the highroad and all that you do. See yourself as an ambassador, lifting the planets vibration to a higher peaceful place during this retrograde.

Libra Rising

Libra the invitation during this retrograde is to look at the other species on this planet, as being co-inhabitants and sharing the earth with us. You are being inspired to be a little more tolerant towards some creatures you do not like or are afraid of. Learning about them and trying to understand them may open up a whole new appreciation of them.

Scorpio Rising

Decide to go somewhere new, and not somewhere you normally would go and try to see it from a whole new, vantage point. See it as if you were a child, discovering it for the first time in your life. Allow the wonder, the joy, and the happiness to shine through.

You have become uptight about certain things or around some particular people. You are being inspired to look at that & then let it go. Enjoyed them from a whole new perspective. Look at them as if you’ve never ever seen them before.

Sagittarius Rising

This retrograde is inviting you to do something that you normally would do in a mundane way, and approach it from a truly gnu, creative, innovative way. You’re in a rut about something, and are being inspired to look at it with a fresh, creative approach when dealing with it.

Capricorn Rising

You’re being invited to take all of your interactions you have with people to a higher level. Express peace, and understanding to them inwardly before you even open your mouth to speak.

Aquarius Rising

You are being inspired to look most deeply into your life and honestly soul search for people with whom you have a controlling relationship with. Freedom awaits you both.

Pisces Rising

You are being invited to be the uplifting words and action of spirit.

Is there someone in your life that your kind words and affirmations would mean the world to?

Perhaps a friend, neighbor, or even a stranger is in need of a smile or a helping hand.

Be aware, when you are being guided to act.


Full Moon in Leo ♌️

We have the moon and the sun in opposite signs, illuminating the Leo energy in our chart / life. Time to release what is holding us back from connecting with the courageous, dramatic energy that this full moon in Leo brings us.

Aries Rising

Take A Break

It’s OK to take a break and enjoy your creations. To take a moment from your busy schedule. To get off the treadmill of life. To appreciate and acknowledge all that you have created, achieved, released, or experienced before rushing onto the next thing.

Taurus Rising

The Crumbling

There’s a shift happening right now, where anything in authentic can no longer survive. What are you clinging to for the fear of nothing coming to take its place? You are being called to surrender. To stop trying to hold it all together. To losen your grip. To let the crumbling occur.

Gemini Rising

Share Your Voice

You are being called to share your voice, by speaking up in a relationship, or through writing, speaking, singing, or some other form of creative expression. We each hold the truth deep within us that longs to be expressed. When you share your voice, you unlock something in the universe and call the missing piece of you home. Your individual voice is the most powerful sound current on the planet. Express yourself. Share your voice. Speak to those who can hear you.

Cancer Rising


You are being called to protect your energy and call back your power. Can you think of a traumatic event, relationship, or soul memory that you were being called to call back your power from? Check into your body now and see what chakra feels like it needs a bit of an energetic to clean up.

Leo Rising


You are here for a reason. You are being called to bravely pave a path. Have you answered your highest and deepest calling? Living a heart and soul lead life is not fluffy and smooth sailing. Think of your fears as opportunities to expand, rather than things that are holding you hostage. If you look at your fears in this light, then, as uncomfortable as it might feel, it’s actually a sign that you are on the right track.

Virgo Rising

Break The Chain

You are being invited to heal your family line or free yourself from living the life of your ancestors. This could be letting go of an old pattern of your maternal or paternal line. Healing trauma from the past that is not even yours, or observing old ways of being that no longer serve you.

Libra Rising

Deep Replenishment

The most softest thing you can do is to fill up your own inner well when you are running around half filled, we subconsciously look to things and people around us to give us the nourishment and nurturing that we so deeply crave.

Scorpio Rising


It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the state of affairs on the planet right now, but you were being encouraged to keep holding the clear vision of the future. It is closer than you think. Keep doing what you were doing, and remember the only way to heal the world around us is to first heal ourselves.

Sagittarius Rising


You are being called to either pause or say no. Saying yes to something that isn’t in alignment with you will drain your energy and your time. Hold out for a congruent 100% yes.

Capricorn Rising


Stop taking life so seriously; your spirit needs to have some fun. The more you play, the more inspiration will follow. Take some time out to do something, without being attached to the outcome.

Aquarius Rising

The Initiation

Some of the most sacred initiation, chambers and temples looks scary from the outside.

Once you’re inside, you realize how beautiful they are. This represents the journey the soul takes to reach somewhere sacred. Perhaps that’s where you are right now. You are being tested, initiated because you were headed somewhere sacred.

Pisces Rising


You are being called, create clear boundaries in your life. This could be with your friends, family, or work. Saying yes, when you really mean, no leads to resentment, which is the biggest energy drink ever. At first it might only be a little bit and not feel like a big deal, but before you know it, your energy feel becomes porous, and you are feeling depleted.


Mercury enters Aquarius ♒️

Mercury the planet of communication, enters fixed, detracted Aquarius. Our gift during this transit is to think outside the box, to allow ourselves to see the bigger picture when communicating. We find it easier to separate logic from emotion so we can actually reason.

Aries Rising

Believe Your Are Magic

You are magic. If you believe in magic for others, why not yourself? Sometimes the magic is to simply keep loving and living and sharing and trying. Stay positive Aries.

Taurus Rising

Move Your Body

Taurus the invitation of this transit is to move your body. A stretch the side here. Anything. Try to dance through the whole song. Pretend you’re a belly dancer. Learn to hula loop. Wash the dishes. Go take photographs do things that you normally wouldn’t do. Move your body.

Gemini Rising

Take The Time

Not all projects can be done in one sitting some are long term. Determine if your endeavor is important enough to finish. If it is, then find a way to stay engaged in the project for as long as it takes. Commit to the long-haul.

Cancer Rising

Notice The Miracles

Miracles happen a lot. Some of them are quiet or subtle. Look for them, or be open to feeling or seeing them. Sometimes, simply good news in an email. Feels like a miracle. Pay attention. You can also be the miracle for yourself or someone else.

Leo Rising

Lighten Up

Leo I suggest lighting up right now in any way that is best for you. Sometimes relaxing is an actual life saver. Have a sense of humor about yourself and your imperfectness. Other people will have a sense of humor about your imperfections, so you might as well too.

Virgo Rising

Entrepreneurship Shine The Light

What makes you, you?

This is the quality that makes you valuable. Be a self starter. Be proactive. Maintain motivation. Hold yourself accountable during this transit Virgo.

I want to remind you there is more than one way to do things.

Ponder options. Maybe rearrange the list.

Most of life should be spent living in the present, sometimes something crops up that bothers you.

When that happens, it may be time to shine a bright light on it. It doesn’t always need super hard thinking or tons of research.

Often just give yourself some time to mull things over without thinking you already know the answer.

Libra Rising

It Is Not Even About You

Libra, if you had a tiff with someone, maybe just try forgiving. People have their own things going on. Take nothing personally, unless there is an actual finger waving in your face.

Scorpio Rising


Scorpio, if you believe in your idea, then, by all means continue. Keep going. Your people, your audience, and your tribe will find you. Are you onto something? You do you. If you can see the shore, then absolutely do not give up.

Sagittarius Rising

It Is Time

Sagittarius the time is now! At now! Don’t wait. Don’t drag your feet. Go! Start that project now. Stop reading this card and go do that thing!

Capricorn Rising

Call Upon An Angel

Capricorn Capricorn don’t forget about the angels. Angels answer prayers. When you ask for help from an angel, help is given. People here on earth are not the only resources you have.

Aquarius Rising

Focus On One Thing At A Time.

Stay The Course.

You may want to cut down the amount of projects, you are working on in any one particular area. You may need to cut down to one project.

Another possible interpretation is for those who may suspect that multitasking is overrated. You may be the kind of worker that needs to spend one day on one thing and one day on another. It may be time to re-organize and rearrange. In order to focus in on one thing, you may need to put less important projects out of sight.

Do not give up. Great things are right around the corner. You are on the right track so keep going!

Pisces Rising

Think New See Fresh It Is Often East To Make A Ripple Effect

You can add value to this world, Piscis. You have something to contribute or you will have some thing in the near future. Take a look at things from a different perspective. You may discover connections between things that other people haven’t.

Small gestures can make a world of a difference. Small beginnings can blossom into a lifetime of happiness.

This is a small reminder to do your best, to be the joy in someone’s day, or at least in your own day.

Let us all try to leave a trail of beauty in our wake.


Sun enters Pisces ♓️

Pisces season officially begins today and we can expect to feel more inclined to feel then do during this transit. We can feel a bit more emotional during this transit, with an invitation to dream, rest and surrender to something greater than ourselves. Take note of any of your escapist tendencies so you can use the energy to your own beneficial outcome.

Aries Rising

Aries, you need to be positive in spontaneous, not impulsive. Your enthusiasm impresses others by impatient and being quick to anger or lose interest can cost you and waste time. Your actions speak louder than your words during this Pisces season.

Taurus Rising

Taurus, you need to attain a degree of understanding that enables you to graduate to a higher level and enjoy real success. This rare time of culmination must be identified and honored. As the old cycle ends, inappropriate habits must be left behind. Savior this time of culmination.

Gemini Rising

You need to know what courage really means. Go forward despite your fears. Defend the things you love. Do not compromise. You may need to go at it alone. You will go forward despite your fears and defend the things you hold dear, without compromising during this transit.

Cancer Rising

You need to experience the feeling of a new love, or of giving and receiving unconditional love. During Pisces season give and accept love on a new level. Open your heart and let emotions move you. Your loving ways will magnetized love to you.

Leo Rising

Leo, you are being asked to move from where you are now to where you know you should be to increase your effectiveness. There is nothing wrong with ambition. Take calculated risk. Do not brag, just do it.

Virgo Rising

Now is the time for a reason, and seeing the other person’s viewpoint. It is time for balancing out of account on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Prepare to reap what you have sown.

Libra Rising

You need to give birth to something that has never been libra. Tap into your creative potential. Be as gentle to yourself and your new creation as you would be to an infant.

Scorpio Rising

The invitation during this Pisces season is to truly develop strength. At this time, force is not a match for spiritual strength. Through gentleness, you will accomplish what force cannot. In the face of fear, act with calmness and love, and you will gain the true strength of an integrated body and spirit.

Sagittarius Rising

You need to go on without a clear picture of where you are, where you were going, and where do you have been. You do not have to fear of the unknown. With intuition in faith in yourself and benevolent forces, you can succeed.

Capricorn Rising

Now is the time to be aware of the problems of others, less fortunate, and to nurture them, helping them. Your touch is healing. This is a social time, but be careful, not to forget that there is a life beyond the social world of parties and socializing. You will encounter, or must act like someone who knows how to protect.

Aquarius Rising

You are being invited to develop the true power of a master. Be content with being a loner only with those on your level. Do not waste time and energy on those not ready or not worthy. You are being asked to go in word, introspection will lead to maturity and self reliance.

Pisces Rising

You are being invited to be more aware of how successful and respected you are. You will never gain more than you have now until you empower yourself by appreciating what you have done. Success is how you defined it.


New Moon in Pisces ♓️

We can expect heightened intuition, while the sun and the moon hang out and Pisces together. There's an air of release and letting go as we finish the astrological calendar and make our way into a new season.

Aries Rising

You are being invited to hold a more positive image about yourself, what you do and who you are during this new moon in Pisces.

Taurus Rising

There is an invitation at the moment to talk with your inner self. Have a conversation with them and tell them how you feeling while you were close minded. Allow and listen while you hear them to speak. Ask for the highest outcome an for the good of all concerned during this time.

Gemini Rising

There are substances you use and things in your home that are not safe or environmentally friendly. You are being inspired to replace these with substitutes that are.

Cancer Rising

You are being invited to forgive a relative for a past hurt. The relative may still be alive or has passed on. Regardless, call this person into your inner temple and have a heart filled dialogue with them and forgive them. Remember to ask their forgiveness for your part in the situation. Give thanks.

Leo Rising

You are being invited to balance and integrate the masculine and feminine energies around a significant relationship in your life. Let go of gender rules. Approach all issues from a balanced, whole space.

Virgo Rising

Virgo, your invitation during this new moon is to honor yourself. Sometimes the high demands and expectations we have of ourselves. Leave us feeling less then. Give yourself a little hug, first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Give yourself a little gratitude.

Libra Rising

You are being inspired to ask for help when you need it. Don’t feel you have to do everything for everybody. Honor yourself libra. You can be generous with others without letting yourself be taken advantage of. You are of no help to anyone unless you take care of yourself first. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Scorpio Rising

You are holding onto prejudice about someone, something, or possibly yourself. Ask that you breakthrough to see the universal perspective of this, and to celebrate the oneness of all.

Sagittarius Rising

Your body wants you to pay more attention to it during this new moon. You are being invited to tune in to its signals and address where you were being guided to give a little more care to that area. It’s your earthly vehicle, take care of it!

Capricorn Rising

You are being challenged to take it easy and chill out. You may be coming down hard on yourself, or being hard on someone close to you. Take a deep breath, turn the agitation over to the divine and allow things to unfold in divine timing.

Aquarius Rising

There is someone in your life that you need to forgive and release. See and feel I choose to forgive I choose to release I choose to now love. See this until you are ready to take Healing auction with the person that you need to forgive. You will be guided at the perfect time.

Pisces Rising

Choose the high road for a challenge. You are currently facing or will encounter. Know that there is plenty of help for you. The creator and the legions of angels and higher beans await your request for assistance.


Venus enters Aries ♈️

Venus the planet that rules pleasure, love, romance, and what we are attracted to is entering bold, brave Aries. Love is spontaneous and direct during this transit. We can be bold, a little impatient during this transit with what we at. Our desires are strong.

Aries Rising

The invitation during this transit is to integrate you are heaven and earth, in perfect expression. Take time to meditate. Imagine yourself as a pillar of light, connecting the light of the heavens above with the earth. Raising your vibration raises the vibration of the planet.

Taurus Rising

The universe is conspiring during this transit. Keep facing your true north. Your job is not to pave the path, but to simply keep facing your north node, and take one step after another. If you do this, you can’t go wrong.

Gemini Rising

You are being called to surrender. To stop trying to hold it all together. You have what it takes to allow what is falling away to tumble and fall. Kali, the goddess of destruction is with you now lay it all on her altar she can hold it.

Cancer Rising

It’s all coming together. You are being called to let your intuition move you physically. You are being called to gather groups of people either by leading them or becoming part of a group that can support you and your soul’s personal mission.

Leo Rising

You are being called to pray for clarity in guidance regarding your personal mission. What task would you like to delegate to the spiritual realm. They are willing and ready to step in and get to work. What would you like help with?

Virgo Rising

It is time to Colleen. You’re so family and support team. During this transit you will get to connect with souls who get you on a soul level. People who are the same kind of weird as you. They are coming and they are looking for you. In order for them to find you and recognize you, it is important that you stop dimming your light and truly let yourself be seen.

Libra Rising

Right now you’re in a transitional period between ages. The process of allowing the old cycle to follow weight and then you want to arise. Like driving in the fog and trust in the road will appear ahead. We need to release old identities, and ways that no longer serve us using our intuition as a compass.

Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, there’s a feeling. An annoying feeling that can be inconvenient. Try as you might it’s there. Until you face that feeling life just throws you more be to awaken it. To draw your attention to the light within you that is bursting to come out. You are being called to face that feeling now. If you don’t face it, the universe will throw something much bigger and more obvious in your path.

Sagittarius Rising

You are being called to get grounded. It is easy to get swept up in the high frequency energies that are swirling around. The quickest and most effective way of clearing all of this from your energy field is to ground yourself by connecting with mother earth. There are many ways to get grounded. Find the one that connects with you.

Capricorn Rising

You are being taught that we all play a part in the divine plan. One persons part is not worthier or more than another persons part No part is better or worse. No part is more important or less significant. We each have within us a seed of light that we incarnated to share. You are being asked to shine your light.

Aquarius Rising

Say YES. Yes to life. Say YESSS.

Pisces Rising

Have more fun Piscis. Play more. Celebrate your achievements. How do you play? What are you do to have fun? What likes you up? That is the season of life you were entering during this transit

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